Runderwear 10k Training Plan

10k Training Plan

FREE 10k Training Plans

Please find below your FREE 8 week 10k training programme, created by England Athletics Road Running Manager, Tom Craggs.  Choose between the Beginner, Improver and Experienced 10k plan.

Beginner 10k Training Plan

This plan is aimed at runners new to the 10km distance or runners who haven’t tackled 10km in a while. You should be able to run/jog for 20-30 minutes continuously before starting the plan.

Improver 10k Training Plan

This plan is aimed at people who run regularly and feel confident to run continuously for up to 45-60 minutes or more at an easy pace. You will likely have completed a 10km before and are looking to get faster or feel better for the next one.

Experienced 10k Training Plan

This plan is aimed at experienced runners who run most days and who are confident running 70-80 minutes + continuously as well as including interval sessions in their training. You will have completed 10km races before and will be looking to improve you performance over the eight weeks of the plan.